Propose a Long Program
Each fall and spring, the NSF-Simons National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology holds a Long Program (LP) that addresses one or more of the five research themes supported by the NITMB. Each LP hosts 30–50 non-local participants and 20–30 local participants, with some participants staying an entire academic quarter.
Long programs at the NITMB will consist of 4-10 weeks of concentrated activity in a specific area of current research interest at the intersection of biological and mathematical sciences.
Long Programs offer the opportunity for faculty, postdocs, and students to be in residence at the NITMB. Those in residence conduct research, collaborate with NITMB faculty and NITMB fellows, provide training opportunities for students, and engage with additional visitors, who are invited to attend their week-long workshops.
Long programs at the NITMB take place in Fall (September - December) and in Spring (March - June).
Each program begins with a Tutorial workshop, with the purpose of introducing the subject to the broader
scientific community.
In addition to the Tutorial workshop, long programs include 1-3 additional weeklong workshops.
Long programs receive administrative and financial support from the Institute, allowing organizers to focus on the scientific aspects of the activities.
Propose a Scientific Long Program
We invite the submission of proposals for scientific long programs to be held at the National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology (NITMB). Planning of such programs is generally done more than a year in advance. Program Instructions
How to apply?
There are two stages:
1. Pre-proposal: provide the information described in the NITMB program template, and submit your pre-proposal to
2. After a pre-proposal is approved, the NITMB staff and workshop committee will collaborate with the organizers to suitably develop the workshop program. This typically is an iterative process that ensures that the workshop aligns with NITMB mission and values. More information can be found in the Workshop Full Proposal Guide - NITMB
The NITMB Workshop Committee accepts applications of pre-proposals on a rolling basis. We are now considering applications for workshops in Spring 2025 and after.
An LP is organized by three to five scientists external to NITMB. The organizers select scientists to present their work at workshops throughout the quarter. LP proposals will be solicited from the international biology, physics and mathematics communities. Emerging Directions Workshops will catalyze the development of LPs. NITMB will also partner with the Institute for Mathematical Statistical Innovation at the University of Chicago on LPs of common interest.