The NSF-Simons National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology is proud to present our inaugural cohort of NITMB Fellows whose appointments begin this spring and summer. The Fellows program supports independent postdoctoral fellows for up to a three year appointment each. The Fellows develop and conduct independent research programs aligned with the Institute’s interest in the constraints and capabilities of living systems. NITMB faculty provide the fellows deep mentorship and investment in their future careers - with the goal of NITMB Fellows’ research programs bridging mathematics and biology.
Maryn Carlson

Maryn Carlson’s research looks to uncover the genetic mechanisms by which organisms adapt to new or changing environments at the cellular, population, and species levels.
Federica Ferretti

Federica Ferretti is a theoretical physicist broadly interested in statistical models and quantitative approaches for biology.
Doruk Efe Gökmen

Doruk Efe Gökmen’s research lies at the crossroads of machine learning, statistical physics, and information theory.
Alasdair Hastewell

Alasdair Hastewell’s research lies at the intersection of numerical applied mathematics and biophysics, combining techniques from spectral methods, optimization, and dynamical systems theory with experimental data.
Xueying Wang

Xueying Wang’s research tackles the dynamical properties of complex, chaotic, and out-of-equilibrium systems, including fluid turbulence, biological and artificial neural networks, ecological systems, and active matter.
The NITMB is excited to support these fellows and the meaningful contributions they will make to the fields of mathematics and biology.